Brilliance Led

Lighting To Raise Awareness For A Cause

Throughout the year, lighting contractors may offer to help their customers raise awareness for a variety of different causes by using special or specific colors to light certain environments. Some organizations have had great success at not only raising awareness this way, but raising additional money for their cause as a result. If a customer requests lighting in support of a cause, a contractor can engineer an appropriate design. This can merely be a simple lamp change or a complete install. Some causes choose certain months to raise awareness, while others raise awareness all year round. 

Below is a list of a few of the most prevalent causes and the colors they use to represent their cause. There are many other great causes besides these, as well.

Greenlight A Vet

By changing one lamp to green in a visible fixture of an office or residential home, one can show support for our nation’s veterans. This is a program that runs throughout the year. 

Project Blue Light

Project Blue Light is a national cause to honor our police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. This can be showcased by changing a front porch lamp or both lamps on garage sconces to blue. Some customers may also want the front columns that frame the doorway grazed with blue light.

Light It Up Blue

April 2nd has been designated by the United Nations General Assembly as World Autism Awareness Day. During the month of April, autism awareness supporters are encouraged to change their outdoor lighting from white to blue.

Go Orange for Hunger

September is Hunger Action Month. Businesses and residential homes that are in support of Hunger Action Month can be lit up in orange or dark amber. This can be done through different lenses, gels, or lamp changes. 

Purple Light Nights®

Around the world, the month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. The installation of purple string lights around trees or exchanging lamps in outdoor fixtures and landscape lights is an acceptable way to support this cause. 

Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. A pink lamp or lens is often installed in one or multiple fixtures on property. Hospitals and care facilities often will illuminate their offices in pink during this month.

Red for World AIDS Day

The World Health Organization has established December 1 as, World AIDS Day. Similar to the pink lights in October, red lights often be used on hospitals, doctors offices and clinics in support of this cause.


Many contracting firms and designers offer lighting to these and other causes as a way of giving back to the community.These jobs are completed at little or no cost to the property owner. Many are done in exchange for a donation to the organization supporting the particular cause. When asked to donate time, product or effort, do so. It will come back to you 10-fold.