Brilliance Led

Landscape Lighting Maintenance

Landscape lighting requires regularly scheduled general maintenance to truly be exceptional. Over time, path lights lean, well lights fill with debris, and adjustable uplights face the wrong direction. These problems, caused by man and nature, can turn a beautiful daytime landscape into a disaster at night. Proper and timely lighting maintenance is the key to attractive and long-lasting outdoor living.

Helpful Tips to Remember:

·         Schedule an evening appointment with your client or contractor

·         Check all fixtures for potential issues: lamp replacement, lens cleaning, proper positioning, and dim lamps

·         Check for dark areas and possible safety hazards

·         Check the transformers and control devices

·         Flag any potential issues    repair and replace as needed

·         Clean or replace calcified lenses

·         Reposition any directional light facing the wrong direction

·         Wax powder-coated fixtures after cleaning (to repel hard water deposits)

·         Upgrade to energy-efficient LED light sources.

·         Always change the gasket or O-ring on any underwater light before installing a new lamp

Depending on the lighting system, maintenance should be scheduled every quarter or bi- annually (at a minimum). Proper maintenance enhances a property and prevents safety hazards. It’s important to remember that lighting is a necessity—it adds value to any property. The better the lighting system the higher the property value, so be sure to maintain the lighting system.