Brilliance Led


All online resellers of BRILLIANCE’s Products must comply with BRILLIANCE’s MAPP Policy in all advertising of BRILLIANCE products.


1. This Policy is applicable to all online resellers of BRILLIANCE products.

2. Online resellers may Not advertise any Brilliance products with a Sell Price Discount that exceeds 30% off MSRP/List Pricing.

3. BRILLIANCE reserves the right to set, change, modify or discontinue any product, or MAPP, at any time, without notice and without liability.

4. BRILLIANCE reserves the exclusive right to modify this policy at any time according to its sole discretion.

5. It is the sole responsibility of online resellers to ensure that its advertised prices comply with the most current version of the MAPP Policy.

6. BRILLIANCE may refuse to supply products to any online reseller who fails to adhere to BRILLIANCE’s MAPP Policy

7. Unless otherwise noted on MAPP price list, discontinued products or products otherwise selected by BRILLIANCE as suitable for closeout pricing may be advertised at any price at the discretion of resellers; however, all advertised closeout prices for BRILLIANCE products must indicate that the product is a closeout item.

8. This Policy does not apply to non-advertised prices.

9. This Policy is not negotiable. BRILLIANCE shall determine MAPP for all products in its sole and absolute discretion.


Violators who refuse to comply with MAPP after being notified by Brilliance will be placed on a do-not-sell list. Any sale by another BRILLIANCE online reseller to an online reseller on the do-not-sell list will place the other BRILLIANCE online reseller in violation of this Policy.